The Perspective, Practice and Realization
of Natural Meditation
with Lama Daniela and Lama Christopher
Thursday evening, November 30th to Sunday afternoon, December 3rd
in San Marcos, CA

The Three Vital Points is one of the most fundamental and comprehensive teachings on natural presence and the nature of mind. It provides a thorough introduction for newcomers to meditation practice, as well as important pointers for experienced meditators.
Dzogchen - Natural Great Fulfillment - is the expansive heart-essence teaching and practice from the Buddhist tradition that points out the inherent wisdom and goodness within us all. Usually unrecognized and obscured by our patterns of habit and thought, this spacious wisdom-awareness is effortlessly revealed.
This consummate spiritual approach has been passed down in an unbroken lineage from the Himalayas for 1,400+ years and is accessible to anyone, regardless of religion (or none).
The retreat will be guided by teachers from this centuries-old lineage, introducing and deepening the practice of natural meditation and recognition, leading us to natural awareness in every moment.
Retreat is a rare and precious opportunity to experientially explore and rediscover what we've been missing--our inmost goodness and freedom, and deepest connection to all around us. The sacred space of a contemplative environment, among kindred spirits, is a powerful one for spiritual progress and renewal!
Noble Silence will be observed outside the Meditation Hall, affording us a retreat from the over-stimulation of busy worldly life and communications, and allowing a profound personal experience of spiritual discovery. Opening dinner and the last morning of retreat will offer plenty of time for lively chatting with other retreatants!
The Lamas will offer teachings, guided meditations & lead lively Q&A sessions each day in the Meditation Hall. Heart-opening sky-gazing, chanting and gentle Tibetan Energy Yoga will also be offered each day, harmonizing body, breath and heart-mind. There will also be ample free time for personal practice such as walks in nature, kicking back and just enjoying the scenic flora and fauna of the area. Private Lama interviews may be available by request, offering one-to-one advice on meditation practice.
Lama Daniela and Lama Christopher hLama Christopherave each practiced and studied intensively for more than twenty-five years under the guidance of accomplished masters, both Himalayan and Western. Besides completing numerous extended silent retreats, they have been teaching for more than fifteen years and were ordained as Lamas in 2015. They are thirty-ninth in direct succession to this Dzogchen lineage spanning fourteen centuries. In addition to their commitment to the authentic and accessible transmission of these timeless wisdom teachings here in the West, they are also both joyful parents and have each enjoyed life-long professional careers.
The retreat will be held at a beautiful retreat center in
San Marcos, CA. The center is set on 655 scenic acres, and is a non-smoking, alcohol-free and drug-free environment. There are numerous walking trails to enjoy!
Click here for directions to the retreat center
Click here to visit the retreat center's website
Click here to view, download and/or print the retreat flyer
- Registration fee of $588 per person (or $528 for semi-private room) includes accommodation and three vegetarian meals each day (dinner Thurs evening through lunch on Sun).
- Accommodations in single or double air-conditioned rooms w/ private bath (you may choose, on a space-available basis). Rooms are assigned in order of payment, so early registration is encouraged.
- Once accommodations are substantially sold out, a Commuter registration fee of $186 per person will be offered. This enables attendance at the entire retreat (including all teachings, practice sessions and other events), but without any meals or accommodation. Commuters will need to make their own arrangements for accommodation in the vicinity, and to bring their own meals. There will not be any facilities for meal preparation by commuters.
- Registration exclusive of the traditional offering (Dana) for the Lamas, voluntarily made in honor of the teachings at the end of retreat (via cash, check or credit card). Further details provided on the last day of retreat. Donations may be tax deductible.
SPACE IS LIMITED FOR THIS SMALL RETREAT, reserve your space by registering securely online.
For more information, email or call 888-837-7474